Monday, April 20, 2009

Why people hate America

When I went to Walmart today, I noticed this car at the beginning of one of the rows of parking spaces. I figured that this lady was waiting for another car to pull out so she could have an awesome space. I soon found out that, no, she wasn't waiting for a space. She was parked right behind those cars. I watched as another lady approached with some items and together, they started loading the car. There was no handicap sign in or out of the car, but that doesn't matter. Those two probably had a long day and they deserve to park wherever they want. I am using they as in people. Don't call me racist just because they are a different color than me. I notice all colors doing this phenomina. Just a thing that really annoys/amuses me at the same time. I hope the recession will teach us some basic principles that, for most of our grandparents, is innate.

P.S. There was a spot open next to me.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Office Fan Club

For a couple of weeks the office fans at school had been planning to get together to watch a show. Thursday night was perfect. Two episodes would be airing so we were excited. I hosted the party and things started out ok. Then, we get interrupted by the weather man. There was threat of Tornadoes heading our way. At first I was just wishing he would be quick so we could get back to the show, but then we heard the sirens. Ok, so that is enough for me to heed the warning. The night got even better when the six of us (plus two hyper puppies) piled into my pasty purple hallway. It ended up being a lot of fun. I'm happy I was able to seek shelter with friends instead of being by myself.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Ok, so I know I am so behind, but I don't know what Twitter is, really. I know it's some form of social networking. The more I am finding out about it, the more it sounds like texting. I don't know. I am starting to wonder if all of this virtual "connections" are real connections. Are we losing touch of true friendship by maintaining computer land friends? I am starting to think that all of this social networking is great for people that don't want long lasting, deep friendships. It's a great way to be in touch with many people at once, but is there a cost? Are we losing a part of our social skills? I know that some may say that I am making a big deal out of nothing, but I wonder how many of these computer addicting applications are going to come out. I feel like Wall-E has really struck a chord with me that I didn't know it had. Maybe we could end up looking at screens all day and miss sight of something real.